
Urban Studies is an interdisciplinary program that examines 城市的历史和本质以及城市化的全球现象. 

澳门威尼斯人,城市研究专业的学生是一个关系密切的群体 who care about cities and communities. Working from multiple perspectives, and through research, internships, and field trips, 这些学生准备成为道德和批判的公民和领导者在各个领域.

Fast Facts
  • San Antonio is one of the fastest growing U.S. cities, as well as one of the most culturally, historically, and ecologically rich
  • 学生研究人员帮助开发了圣安东尼奥的2美元.7 billion “equity budget.”
Student writing on whiteboard


What You'll Study

People, Places, Problems, Possibility


Multidisciplinary Expertise

城市研究的教师来自校园的多个学术部门,是各自领域的领导者. 他们包括地理学家、人类学家、经济学家和历史学家. 总的来说,他们的研究跨越了大洲和学科. 作为忠诚的教师和导师,他们帮助学生学会改变他们工作和生活的地方.

" "
Habiba Noor, Ph.D.
Headshot of John Anders
John Anders, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Economics
headshot of Christine Drennon_2022
Christine Drennon, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
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Mark Garrison, Ph.D.
爱丽丝P. Brown Distinguished Professor, Art and Art History
Shana McDermott
Shana McDermott, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Economics
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Tahir H. Naqvi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
" "
Kathryn O'Rourke, Ph.D.
Professor, Art and Art History
headshot of Timothy O'Sullivan_2022
Tim O'Sullivan, Ph.D.
Professor, Classical Studies

Student Opportunities

Out of the classroom, and into the city

Research Opportunities

城市研究课程中的社区研究项目使学生有机会与社区成员合作研究城市问题, nonprofits, and government officials.

Study Abroad

Students are encouraged to study abroad. 城市研究专业的学生在许多城市度过了学期或暑假, including Copenhagen, 柏林, and Shanghai.

Service Learning

澳门威尼斯人强大的网络可以帮助学生在市县政府实习, local nonprofit organizations, and firms specializing in economic development, land use, and design.

Spaces and Facilities

对于许多城市研究的学生来说,圣安东尼奥是课堂的延伸和研究的主题. 的y get to know the city by riding the bus, walking in neighborhoods, studying buildings and landscapes, and working with community members. 

社会科学实验室提供24小时访问,并作为教室使用, 地理信息系统实验室, computer lab, and a late-night study-hangout.

Student Organizations

Urban Studs是一个由学生经营的俱乐部,会员是对城市充满热情的学生,他们喜欢到城里去听讲座, exhibitions, service work, and fun.

Student Awards and Recognition


以一位城市研究学院的杰出成员命名, 凯瑟琳·鲍威尔城市研究杰出学生奖每年颁发给以下学生, in the judgment of the Urban Studies faculty, 不仅在课堂上表现得非常好吗, 但却表现出了对这座城市的深刻理解和欣赏.

Alex Briseño Award

以城市研究项目的杰出毕业生和圣安东尼奥服务时间最长的城市经理命名, Alex Briseño奖每年颁发给以下学生, in the judgment of the Urban Studies faculty, has not only performed well in the classroom, 同时也“活”在他或她的日常生活中.

Lectures and Events

专题讲座和特邀嘉宾定期邀请专家到校园进行对话和交流. 代表来自广泛的组织,包括圣安东尼奥住房管理局, 通过, Public Art San Antonio, and the San Antonio Botanical Garden.

View Upcoming Events

When You Graduate

Blueprint for Success

学生们为读研和工作做好准备,在世界上有所作为. 他们在城市主义的历史和理论方面受过严格的训练, 加上与专业人士合作的经验,他们将在许多领域取得成功.


Urban studies graduates become city managers, 公共和私营公司和组织的首席执行官, urban planners, 研究人员致力于使城市成为更好、更公平的居住地.

Graduate Schools or Programs:

  • 法律
  • Public Administration
  • Urban Planning


    Career Areas:

    • Historic Preservation
    • Nonprofit work and advocacy
    • Public Policy
    • Real estate development
    • Urban Planning


    • 包括圣安东尼奥、休斯顿和亚特兰大在内的市政府
    • USAA保险公司
    • U.S. Congress

    Take the next step

    Have more questions or want more information? 了解更多关于如何澳门威尼斯人,以及如何加快你的下一步教育.